Vibrations measurement

Measurement of vibrations introduced into structures for the purpose of evaluating their effects on them and to assess the possible disturbance to the people inside. The investigation consists in the measurement of vibrations in some pre-selected points in the structure, in operational, peak, transient or stationary conditions in relation to the vibration phenomenon under study, depending on the source whose effects must be evaluated (road traffic, railway traffic, machinery cyclical, impulsive or stationary phenomena of structural resonance, …) and in data processing in accordance with the reference standards. Through this investigation it is possible to verify whether the vibration level recorded inside a building can be considered compatible or not with relation to the thresholds suggested by the standards, both with regard to possible damage to the structures and for the comfort of the occupants. This test also allows to verify that the level of vibrations present in the building under investigation is compatible with the positioning or presence of complex machinery (e.g. CT scan) or optical devices (e.g. telescopes), both as passive and active objects ( e.g. bodyscan which could cause structural resonances in rotational motion).
Reference standards: UNI 9916:2014; UNI 9614:2017; UNI 11568:2015.