Tensile tests on steel bars

Steel bars sampling from reinforced concrete structures such as pillars, beams, slabs, walls or foundations allows to determine the steel mechanical characteristics (yield stress, tensile strength and strain under maximum force). The sampling is anticipated by the localization of the reinforcement using a covermeter and the concrete cover removal by use of manual tools. The bar is then sampled (approximate length of 50 cm, diameter independent) by cuts executed with an angle grinder, and the structure is then restored (welding of B450C steel bar(s) of the same diameter as the piece taken, restoration of the concrete cover with high-quality cement mortar). The sample is localized, numbered and documented; the tensile test is finally executed at a state-authorized laboratory.
Reference standards: UNI EN ISO 6892-1:2020; UNI EN ISO 15630-1:2019