Inspection and verification of the condition of false ceilings through load tests

To define the adequacy of the anchoring system of existing false ceilings, it is necessary to carry out a careful inspection to characterize the false ceiling type, the suspension system and their state of conservation. After recognizing the type of false ceiling (light, heavy, recent technology or modern/historical), visual inspections of the suspension system are carried out and photographic survey is acquired, also verifying the presence and correct fixing of any technological elements to the false ceilings.
For each type of false ceiling identified (where geometrically possible), load tests are carried out by applying concentrated masses on a single (or group of) anchoring element. Il carico viene mantenuto per alcuni minuti per verificare la tenuta del sistema di ancoraggio. In particular, the load test is passed in absence of phenomena of anchors’ slipping or damage to the suspension cables.