Infrared thermography

Thermography is a non-destructive technique that operates using the band of infrared radiation. Each material emits energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation, as it is characterized by its own thermal conductivity and specific heat. The thermal camera, by measuring the flow of energy E at a distance and without any physical contact with the examined surface, detects and divides the infrared radiation emitted spontaneously by the individual points of a hot body, at a certain instant. A thermal image of the object is then processed through colour or grey scales. Each colour or tone of the grey scale corresponds to a temperature interval which is generally in the order of fractions of a degree centigrade. Through the thermal image analysis is it then possible to observe nonvisible features in existing buildings such as masonry arrangement or inconsistencies covered by plaster, presence of metallic elements, presence of voids, areas of moisture concentration, floors or false ceiling type, direction and constituting material, etc.

Reference standard: UNI 10824-1:2000.